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Photo of Charles "Chuck" Davis

Charles "Chuck" Davis

04/10/1964 - 03/25/2024





Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis
Memory of Charles "Chuck" Davis


Dearest Mary & family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May memories help comfort you through this difficult time. Love you Mary!❤️

Shared by alicia hall

The first time I met Chuck, my father-in-law, it was a mere two days before I married his oldest son, Anthony. We were still living in Alaska so our wedding would serve as an introduction of families to both of us. I can remember the anticipation that came from knowing that my family would easily double in size when Anthony and I exchanged our vows. While I didn’t doubt that his family would love and accept me unconditionally just as Anthony had, it seemed reasonable to expect that there would be a season to grow accustomed to one another. To my great surprise, Chuck wrapped me up in his arms as though he had finally reunited with a long-lost daughter. He skipped the formalities and showered me with so much love that it truly felt I had already known him a lifetime. Chuck could give you a hug from across the room. I will never forget the twinkle in his eyes and the genuineness behind his big bold smile. Chuck did not reserve his love; he accepted everyone and was inclusive without question. You will be o-so missed. I love you too.

Shared by megan davis

I was Bethel church pianist when Chuck’s Aunt Nita left for college. Lucky for the church, when I left for college they had moved home to the family farm and Joy took my spot as pianist. I remember holidays at church with Joy playing piano and Earle in charge of all their littles! It was a great addition to our country church. It saddens me to hear of Chuck’s passing. It seems like their family has already given so much! You are all in my thoughts! Julie Benton Rutherford

Shared by julie rutherford

My childhood would not have been the same without Chuck or the entire Davis family. It was my second home basically. Chuck was always the first to tell a joke, share a story and always make us laugh. He truly did have a smile that lit up a room. He would get so annoyed at us girls but never once didn't help us when we needed something. Chuck loved scaring us as well and got a huge kick out of doing it A LOT! I remember him running all the time sometimes 10 miles... for fun!! I vividly remember when he got his braces off, his smile was even brighter. He was a true joy to be around and will be missed terribly. Prayers to you all and thank you Chuck for all the memories, Love you!

Shared by deb moss

Shared by anthony davis

Shared by anthony davis

To a wonderful dad and grandpa. We love you! -Nathan, Maggie, & Mads

Shared by maggie davis