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Photo of Dolores P. Bowman

Dolores P. Bowman

5/19/1928 - 11/24/2022

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Sincerest Condolences to both families, her kindness is remembered. God Bless

Shared by carol hoyt chantrill

So sorry for your loss. She was a very special woman. She will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to you all

Shared by diane thomas

Nice, nice lady. She was one of the neighborhood “moms” we had when we were growing up..

Shared by dani cellan kepler

Dolores was a special lady. She will be missed by all she knew. I always enjoy visiting with her, sometimes planned and many times on the spur of the moment. She was always Mom or Grandma or Friend.

Shared by mary morris

I am so sad to hear about Dolores’ death. I was lucky enough to spend many hours in the Roosa home and was always treated with love and respect by Dolores. She felt like a second mother to me during those years. She was a wonderful woman and will be greatly missed.

Shared by michele murphy leininger