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Photo of Herman E. Sweers, Jr.

Herman E. Sweers, Jr.

1/14/1930 - 11/19/2022





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my deepest sympathy to you all for your loss. keeping all your memories close to all your hearts and Herman will be with you all forever. this also means Sally's memories. hugs and prayers to you all

Shared by bonnie melohn

Our thoughts and sympathy to all the family members!

Shared by marvin and sue hrubes

So sorry to hear of Herman's passing hugs and prayers sent also I'm sorry I didn't hear about Sally's passing until several months had passed .The Sweers are wonderful people can't say enough good things about them they have my deepest sympathy

Shared by perry green

So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Thinking of you and yours, Dan.

Shared by molly